Thursday, September 26, 2013

The following are responses from a prompt about turning the mundane into something beautiful:

Hard to Love

It is so simple a kiss
then she starts to wash a dish
Fresh coffee made.
She suggests we go watch the parade...
listening to broken butterflies.
It sometimes makes you feel better to hear their pain.
Is every day the same?
The the end when I went to judgment day
to have prayed and to have prison delayed
so I may love her on my birthday.
But my love could not take the pain,
to find out she had run away to Blaine.
But can I blame?
Never I pray that we can love again.
But will my love ever flourish?
I just take medicine
I may never will


Sip sip slurp slite sip
hot coffee on my lip
so morning, noon and night
got to have something
that sends me out of sight
such to say it's a part of
each day in day out crazy
way in part out of sight
cup cup cup coffee not tea
got to have it
for you for I and we

Just taking time
by making it through each mundane Monday
What to say to my coffeeshop bab
nother day nother day
Out of sight in some way
Kicking it, sipping it, loving it
coffee shop bab loving each day


Mundane, my Monday

Ahhhh, rise-n-shine, it's program time
Where's my socks at? My feet are cold
I wipe the eye booger out my eyes,
roll up my mattress and I'm ready to go
Colombian roast in my cup
One sweetener one creamer
that's my cup of joe
Oh, is it last call? Fuck it, I'm over it.
I'm going to let my cup cool and use the restroom
Brush my grill as I'm holding my thang thang
Wait a minute, did I wash my hands?
Back to my cup of joe,
just perfect, sip ahhh
Now I'm headed to the patio for a breath of fresh air
ahh, rise and shine, it's program time



My daily routine in County Jail
Something I do every day
Wake up and thank God for another day of livin


Well... my daily routine, every day
I get up like around 9 or 10 am
I take a piss then brush my grill and wash my face
I fold my blankets and make my bed
Sometimes I clean my cell and scrub my sink
and metal toilet, it depends on if I'm in the mood
Then I make myself a cup of coffee
With cream and sugar if I got it
After I enjoy my coffee,
I head to Estiva's cell and wake his ass up
and ask if he'd like to work out
And if we're lucky, get the radio
and work twice as hard to get our money
So beautiful, just feeling good
bout myself staying fit


When I get up ready for a brand new day,
I make my bed, brush my grill , wash my face and make sure I don't have any eye boogers or anything like that... then I head out, drink some nice hot coffee and greet my fellow convicts. This right here is my “mundane” for now.


Writing this comes from within
Because it is me; my own
When I really gave it attention, I found
the beauty and the ecstasy that it can release
in deep concentration.
It's the character where choices come from... feelings


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