Sunday, April 7, 2013

The following are the result of a Creation Myth Prompt, where we first wrote how the world will end, and then how it will be re-created:

In the end, the creator decides the Earth is ready for harvest. So, with his tummy rumbling, he snatches it up and consumes the Earth with a belch.
Beings came together after the creator ate the Earth. It was eaten before it was ripe. Upset that it was eaten early, they feasted on the creator. Doing this gave them the knowledge of creation. So, they put their heads together to create the seeds for the next harvest. When their heads were together, they could not get them apart, so they came to be the next creator. Becoming one being, they got bored, so they created every possible possibility, thus creating the Earth on every plane, including the one we live in today.

The Sun explodes & fries the Earth with it's explosion, then Earth freezes because the Sun is gone, leaving a lifeless rock behind.
There was a Platypus God who, though he was all powerful, couldn't change its own image. It knew it looked like a freak, so it made itself invisible. It then created the world and everything in it. It watches over and controls everything, but you can't see it. Because it's invisible because it was weird looking. But it still has love for everyone and looks out for them. Except for the ones who don't bow to it's invisible image... they get fucked off.
-J. M.

The myth I would create in my world would be to believe in someone, allowing them to grow at their own pace. Never giving up. Not passing judgment or criticism. Sincere help, love, acceptance, growing and understanding with each individual. Punishment would be helpful with their struggles, to help them become better people. Unconditional love and acceptance, guidance, and understanding. Allow individuals to grow at their own pace, giving them the opportunity to change, make mistakes and fix them, learning the valuable lessons in life.
-S. A.

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